Now, this is something special ....
The MoDesign AvaLock enters a new and most intense dimension on Restrained Life based forced transformation roleplay.
With AvaLock, you lock down the complete transformed avatar.
Moreover, AvaLock takes care that there is no RLv cheating.
To keep the wearer from cheating, the lock will react really evil. It will self destroy, or even destroy the complete item the script is installed to.
So, the more valuable the item is where AvaLock is installed, the more careful the transformed one should be, not to cheat.
As with any transform there should be the option to give the transformed one a new, matching name. This can be done by the simple renamer that is also included in all AvaLock versions.
To make life more easy, AvaLock comes with a very simple and straight forward user interface. Its completely menu driven.
Read more or buy it at XStreet.
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