Saturday, 1 April 2017

MoDesign Newsletter 2017-04-01

Dear Customers,

here comes a new feature for free for the MoDesign Total Submission products and some updates for that wonderful nasty plugs in your asses and pussies.
Check them out ;)


PS: you don't want to miss the storyteller visiting The Lodge. ;)



- NEW Total Submission Feature
- NEW EVENT: Lodge Storyteller
- UPDATES for plugs & vibes
- UPDATE for MoLock Timelock
- Group Discount


NEW  T o t a l   S u b m i s s i o n   F e a t u r e 

Picture: MoDesign Collar HUD

The Total Submission Control Apps have a new member. Now you can control permission requests for your subject. When set active, the sub will agree to all permission requests that ask to take controls or to attach items. No way to deny.

Picture: MoDesign Clit Piercing


NEW EVENT:  L o d g e   S t o r y t e l l e r

I am happy to announce a new type of event at the Lodge. Please welcome

Correnn Stormcrow
The Storyteller
April, 13th, 1 pm SLT

Correnn Stormcrow tells fairy-tales, fables, and minor mythological stories for adults. Some scary, some sexy, the stories are always original and promise wonder and pleasure.

The stories are shared in real-time, spun from the aether before the audience, and tailored to the tastes and desires of storyteller and listener.

Come, relax and prepare to be swept up in the weave of the tale.



Picture: MoDesign vibrating metal butt plug

for plugs & vibes:
Fixed: There was a bug that made leashable hidden plugs unhide after every TP.

MoLock Timelock:
Fixed: Timelock unlocking was erratic when 2 timers had been set.


Group Discount - MoDesign dominant controlled revealing dresses

50% discount to the dresses with all that very kinky features ;)

Picture: MoDesign Andrea

Picture: MoDesign Barbara

Available only at the group discount vendor!
Make sure you wear your group tag!

Enjoy and have fun,
Yours, Mo.



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